PhD Missiology

The PhD in Missiology* is designed for pastor-theologians, teachers, and missionaries who are going to serve in various leadership contexts across the globe. It offers expertise in theological praxis, missiology, preaching, evangelism, counseling, and leadership. The concentration the student chooses generally coincides with the focus of his or her dissertation.

  • Modified Residency

  • Residential

At a Glance

  • 5

    phd introduction

  • 3

    phd integrative colloquium

  • 24

    phd seminars

  • 6

    phd mentor directed studies

  • 4

    phd comprehensive exams

  • 18

    phd prospectus and dissertation

  • 60

    Total hours

Program Courses

At Southeastern, I started seeing that all of life is worship and all of life has a missional intentionality to it. All of life has a missional thrust to it as life lived out before the face of God.

Thomas West MDiv and PhD Alum

PhD in Context


  • Counsel Others in the Church

  • Teach in Higher Education

  • Plant Churches in North America or Internationally

Concentrations & Courses

The Ph.D in Missiology SEBTS offers allows students to choose between two tracks:

  • The North American Missiology track is designed for church planters, pastors and leaders who are actively working in church plant or renewal in a North American context.
  • The International Missiology track is designed for IMB personnel who are currently serving overseas and others who serve in a similar capacity and want to more effectvely proclaim the Gospel around the world.

* These programs are offered in a Residential and/or Modified Residency Format.

The concentrations with modified residency will progress on a two-year schedule of coursework, followed by the comprehensive exam and the writing of a successful dissertation. All seminar and degree requirements for the students in the concentrations with modified residency are identical to the standard residency requirements.

At Southeastern, I really saw the benefit of helping me think better as a theologian. Everything that we do in the classroom is also spiritual formation as well.

Devin Maddox

PhD Graduate, 2022

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