Students with good reasoning skills and with a desire to engage the culture will find the Christian Apologetics track to be an excellent opportunity to develop proficiency in apologetics. Those seeking to prepare for youth ministry, college ministry, and international or home missions ministries will find this course of study especially useful. Those preparing for pastoral and educational ministries will need to use elective hours to ensure that they are properly prepared for those vocations, as the church pulpit is a primary platform for biblical exposition and apologetic reasoning.

Students who apply for admission should have an accredited Bachelor’s degree and must fulfill all the other general requirements for admission to the Seminary. Those who have no previous background in apologetic studies are welcome.

  • On-Campus

At a Glance

  • 70

    Mdiv hours

  • 15

    Apologetics hours

  • 85

    Total credit hours

Program Courses

Some people describe seminary as a hoop to jump through, but I found my time at Southeastern to be a life-giving, spiritually edifying experience. Southeastern encouraged in me an undeniable love for God’s word. No amount of effort is too great to understand it or communicate it to someone else. What I saw, exemplified both in the classroom and even just in the culture of Southeastern, is the non-negotiable nature of the Great Commission. Southeastern emphasized that all of us are called to go in some capacity, and that we are most like Christ when we go to hard places.

Mark Turner MDiv and PhD

Ministry in Context


  • Teach apologetics in the local church

  • Help grow a conversational outreach ministry through a local church

  • Teach apologetics at the undergraduate level

  • Pursue a Ph.D. in an effort to become a professor

Degree Requirements

Below is a sample of the required courses. To see a complete list, view the academic catalog.

  • PHI 6500 – Christian Apologetics
  • PHI 7550 – Critical Thinking and Argumentation for Theological Discourse
  • PHI 7510 – Reality and Knowledge
  • PHI 6520 – Christianity, Culture and the Arts
  • PHI 6550 – Problem of Evil

Have more questions? Connect with our MDiv Admissions counselor.