Daniel R. Heimbach
The Christian Ethics track provides specialized academic training that prepares men and women to impact the culture for Christ through prophetic moral witness and service in a variety of settings.
Some choose this program to enhance qualifications for further academic study. Most, however, choose this program to add focus to preparation for ministry in the local church, on the mission field, in denominational service, or to prepare for parachurch ministry.
The MDiv Christian Ethics track can be completed in 3 years alone or a student may complete both the MDiv Christian Ethics track and the MA (Ethics, Theology, and Culture) with an additional year of study.
Available as Distance Learning
Work with local government agencies with respect to ethical practices
Write for Christian literary publications
Teach ethics at the undergraduate Level
Pursue a Ph.D. in an effort to become a professor
Below is a sample of courses to choose from. To see a complete list, view the academic catalog.