Distance Learning

Distance Learning

Our goal is to make theological education accessible; therefore, many of our degrees can be completed via distance learning formats. Southeastern offers degrees that are Fully Online and degrees that can be completed via Distance Learning. Fully Online degrees can be completed 100% asynchronously online.

What does “Distance Learning” mean? Distance Learning degrees include everything from asynchronous (ONL), to Hybrid (HYBR), to synchronous online (LIVE) courses. All of these modalities are designed to serve you and your unique needs. As you are exploring the degrees that are offered via distance learning, please know that these degrees have a few courses that require you to come to campus for a weekend (HYBR), and in certain programs, to join each week online on a specific day and time (LIVE). We have designed these Distance Learning degrees to be the perfect blend of in-class interaction and the flexibility of online learning.

If you want to complete an MDiv, and you need to take all of your classes in an asynchronous format (ONL), then we strongly recommend the MDiv Christian Ministry. If you are looking for a MA degree that can be completed 100% in an asynchronous format (ONL), then you may want to consider the MA Christian Studies. If you would like someone to help you find the best degree that matches your calling and context, then please contact the Distance Learning Office (distancelearning@sebts.edu), so we can help you achieve your academic goals.


Each class will challenge you to have a heart for the nations & equip you to better serve in ministry.


Hybrid classes utilize online lectures & assignments, along with on-campus class time.

The Equip Network

Empowering local churches and ministry organizations to take an active role in the theological education of their students.


Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). The National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) was established to help expand students’ access to educational opportunities and ensure more efficient, consistent, and effective regulation of distance learning programs.