Course Types
Whether Online or in Class, Every Classroom is a Great Commission Classroom.
Online Classes
Innovative online classes include engaging lectures and interaction through threaded discussions and possible live class meetings.
The content you will receive is designed specifically with Distance Learning students in mind. It is both accessible and convenient for your schedule.
Classes at Southeastern deliver theological education and ministry training allowing you to stay in ministry and develop your skills through online education.
At Southeastern, every classroom is a Great Commission classroom, whether it is online or on campus. Our classes will challenge you to have a heart for the nations and equip you to better serve in ministry.
Online Classes FAQs
Hybrid Classes
Online students often desire to know their fellow students and professors. Online classes provide ways to do this well. However, in order to keep the convenience of online classes and increase student interaction with classmates and professors Southeastern launched the first-ever hybrid class in the spring of 2009.
Hybrid classes utilize online lectures and assignments along with on-campus class time. For one weekend of the semester, hybrid students come to campus for face-to-face interaction. Friday and Saturday class meetings provide a way to remain living at a distance and interact with other students and professors.

Charles B. Keesee Educational Fund
Distance Learning students who meet the degree and residency requirements may also be eligible for a Keesee grant towards their tuition if they take hybrid courses! Click here to find out more about the Keesee Educational Fund and see if you qualify.
Hybrid Classes FAQs

Equip Centers
Southeastern works in partnership with local churches to provide contextual theological education and ministry training. If you are interested in practicum courses, mentored internships, or finding out more about our academic partnerships, please contact the Equip office: equip@sebts.edu.