Daniel L. Akin
At Southeastern, you'll learn from over 60 professors who know what it's like to be in ministry. Our world-class faculty teach faithfully to God's word as they seek to glorify the Lord Jesus by equipping you to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission throughout the world.
Daniel L. Akin
Brent J. Aucoin
Amanda Aucoin
David R. Beck
Seth Bible
David Alan Black
Todd Borger
William T. Branch
Nate Brooks
John W. Burkett
Harrison Carter
Tate Cockrell
Kenneth S. Coley
Keelan Cook
Anna Daub
Stephen B. Eccher
Miguel Echevarría
John Ewart
Jason Fowler
Ant Greenham
Bradley Hambrick
John S. Hammett
Bryce Hantla
Charles Harvey
Daniel R. Heimbach
Scott Hildreth
Ben Holloway
Ross D. Inman
David W. Jones
Ken D. Keathley
Kristin Kellen
L. Scott Kellum
Charles Edward Lawless, Jr.
J. Gregory Lawson
Mark D. Liederbach
Bruce A. Little
Ronjour Locke
Ferris L. McDaniel
Tracy J. McKenzie
Benjamin L. Merkle
Steven A. McKinion
Dwayne Milioni
N. Allan Moseley
Scott Pace
Charles L. Quarles
Benjamin Quinn
George G. Robinson, IV
Matt Rogers
Mark F. Rooker
Deanna Rogers
Ricardo Sanchez
C. Ivan Spencer
Walter R. Strickland II
Jeff Struecker
Steven P. Wade
Jonathan S. Welch
Greg Welty
Craig Williams
Sam R. Williams