Prof. Keelan Cook
Preparing Missionaries to Go to the Nations and Make Disciples
100% of tuition costs are covered for degree-seeking students actively serving with the International Mission Board
All SEBTS Faculty are committed to going and sending others to the nations
At Southeastern, we believe that Jesus’s Great Commission is the mission of the whole Church. That is why we equip our students for cross-cultural ministry, training them to evangelize, make disciples, and teach the Scriptures in whatever context God sends them.
Missions & Church Planting Faculty
Dr. Anna Daub
Dr. John Ewart
Dr. Scott Hildreth
Dr. Chuck Lawless
Dr. George Robinson
Dr. Matt Rogers
Center for Great Commission Studies
The Lewis A. Drummond Center for Great Commission Studies is the hub of missionary mobilization at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. The CGCS exists to mobilize and equip students, faculty, and staff in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We accomplish this in the classroom, in our community, and among the nations in partnership with local churches, state conventions, NAMB, and the IMB.
Global Theological Initiatives
Global Theological Initiatives seeks to employ the resources of SEBTS to benefit theological education through strategic partnerships around the world.
At SEBTS, you will be encouraged to find your place in his mission. We will also equip you with the skills to be effective in your ministry for the nations.
Assoc. Professor of Missiology
Featured Scholarships for Missions and Church Planting degrees
Keesee Scholarship:
- Qualifying Southeastern students receive between $4,150 to $7,750 per year towards their tuition from the Charles B. Keesee Educational Fund.
Mercy Scholarship:
- The Mercy Scholarship provides tuition funding for Southeastern students enrolled in the Master of Divinity in International Church Planting, Missiology, North American Church Planting, and Church Revitalization where you can receive up to $6,000 a year!
Missions Scholarships:
- Students with experience serving the Southern Baptist’s International Mission Board or North American Mission Board may be eligible for unique Mission Scholarships.
- All Mission Scholarships are subject to Southeastern’s Institutional Eligibility requirements and Satisfactory Academic Progress standards. Make sure you review both to know what is expected to remain eligible.
World Missions Clock
See real-time information on world population, unreached peoples, and gospel opportunity.