
  • The cover image of Building a Theological Library by Dr. Danny Akin

    Free Download – Building a Theological Library

    Books are to the minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ what tools are to the carpenter: the essentials of the trade. A call to ministry is a call to preparation, and the building of a ministry library is a must, not an option. This free resource contains over 1000 of Dr. Akin’s recommended resources to assist you in building your library and faithfully serving our Lord. Each resource has been carefully chosen, and this edition has been updated in 2023.

The Ministry Centers of Southeastern Seminary exist to undergird and support the mission of Southeastern by providing resources, training, and mobilization opportunities for students and ministry leaders. 

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Southeastern Theological Review

Southeastern Theological Review (STR) is the faculty journal of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Because our mission is to equip the Church to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and fulfill the Great Commission, we desire to publish high-quality material written not only by those living inside and outside of the United States, but also by those outside the Southern Baptist Convention. Our hope is to facilitate lively and informed conversations on a wide variety of topics of interest to Christians around the globe.


We want to equip you to fulfill the mission wherever you are. That’s why we offer podcasts, chapel sermons, and conference talks all in one convenient location, so you can listen on the go from anywhere in the world.

Graduate Certificates

Our graduate certificates are tailor-made for students looking for seminary training in a flexible and easily accessible format. Students in the certificate program have the flexibility to continue serving the church while getting the ministry preparation they need for effective ministry. Our graduate certificates are perfect for anyone looking for an on-ramp into seminary degrees, specialized training in addition to a current degree track, or alumni wanting to take specific courses for more effective ministry.

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